ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0019.12-10 | Metabolic syndrome | ESPEYB19

12.10. Atlas of exercise metabolism reveals time-dependent signatures of metabolic homeostasis

P. Sato S, Dyar KA, Treebak JT, Jepsen SL, Ehrlich AM, Ashcroft SP, Trost K, Kunzke T, Prade VM, Small L, Basse AL, Schonke M, Chen S, Samad M, Baldi P, Barres R, Walch A, Moritz T, Holst JJ, Lutter D, Zierath JR, Sassone-Corsi

Cell metabolism 2022;34(2):329-45.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.12.016Brief Summary: In a mouse model, time of exercise during the day was found to determine the magnitude and type of metabolic response. Different tissues responded to exercise at different times of the day.Comment: Exercise is considered a vital intervention in the prevention and treatment of individu...